Experiments on Animals Should Not be Banned

2690 Words6 Pages

Experiments on Animals Should Not be Banned

(word count includes paper outline)

Technology and animal testing have provided the human population with many advancements in the past century. Every opportunity to embrace these advancements should be used for the betterment of the human population. It is often an argument based on personal opinion, but once the facts are analyzed, the affirmatives of animal testing outweigh the rationale for banning animal testing.

The study of diabetes, as well as other diseases, have benefited significantly from animal testing. The discovery of cattle insulin in 1921 contributed the most to the advancements in the study of diabetes. The two scientists responsible for this discovery ?are Frederick Banting and Charles Best from Toronto, Canada? (?The Development of Insulin Treatment for Diabetes?). These scientists were part of a larger study group, but Banting and Best saw a potential that developed into discovery. They found that insulin, the hormone that breaks down sugars in the blood, could be extracted from the pancreas of slaughtered cattle. Cattle insulin is extremely similar to human insulin and therefore could be injected into patients diagnosed with diabetes.

Banting and Best used insulin from cattle and injected it into a 13-year-old girl. The girl, Lilly, was the first patient given cattle insulin and survived to live a healthy life. When she was first diagnosed with diabetes, she was 13 years old and weighed 45 pounds. She was so skinny that her ribs in her chest and bones in her legs showed. Months after given the treatment, her pictures indicated that she had gained weight and her complexion was more colorful. Years later, the portrait showed her as a h...

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... have been created to keep animals from getting diseases

A. Just some of the many vaccines created since the 1800?s

a. Rabbies vaccine

b. Tuberculosis vaccine

c. Tetanus vaccine

d. Yellow Fever vaccine

e. Injectable Polio vaccine

f. Oral Polio vaccine

g. Measles vaccine

h. Mumps vaccine

i. Rubella vaccine

k. Hepatitis B vaccine

B. The March of Dimes, a much-respected child development company supports

animal testing

C. The March of Dimes has conducted many tests with the help of animals.

D. The AIDS virus vaccine has made tremendous advancements recently

1. Researchers are hopeful a vaccine will be available in the next five years

E. Article on PETE (an animal support group) vs. other environmental groups on the pros of animal testing

IV. Conclusion

A. Restatement of the evidence given

B. Closing remarks given by each side

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