Examples Of Loss Of Innocence

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Innocence, Gone in a Moment The loss of innocence is an occurrence that happens in every life, and it is so easily taken. A traumatic moment is often the thief of innocence, leaving the victim scarred from the experience. Events like these are often the process of paving the road into adulthood, and aid in the metamorphosis of a child to an adult. In “My Father’s Noose” by Grace Talusan, “Dothead” by Amit Majmudar, and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, each of the characters do not understand the concept of negligent personages. Once the protagonist knows that society is not composed of perfect people, their character and personality changes, as it forces them to take a look at their own morals. This prepares the protagonist for the lives …show more content…

Totoy has lost the innocent image that he had of his mother and will always see her this way. This causes Totoy to become disconnected from the family. This abuse is the only parenting Totoy ever gets, so it is the only parenting style he knows: “Totoy will try his best not to abuse his children. But he’s his mother’s son. He will”(28-29). Unfortunately, his mother’s parenting style is passed onto him. He is innocent to his mother’s abuse until this traumatic event, where he sees the true woman his mother is. Jeannette Walls has similar experiences with her parents. In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, her parents put their kids through many experiences no kid should have at their age. Walls writes, “‘We’re going to Phoenix,’ Dad said… Dad allowed each of us to bring only one thing”(89). They were uprooted from places that had started to feel like home and forced to leave many of their belongings behind because Rex would not stop his his drinking and gambling long enough to actually be a father. This planted the kids in situations that were foreign and frightening to them. Walls notes, “I went into Grandpa’s …show more content…

There is an important time, though, during someone’s life where this innocence is stolen and leaves as different person. This event is the main function in “My Father’s Noose”, “Dothead”, and The Glass Castle. Each character has their own certain tick that their innocence blinds them from. Jeannette Walls’s ignorance blinds her from the abuse of her family and peers, while Totoy’s blinds him from his mother’s abuse. The speaker in “Dothead” is blind to the abuse of his peers. After going through each ordeal, the characters lose their innocence by gaining knowledge of the way people work. Discovering that not all people are good pressures the characters to take a deep look at the way they act and their code of

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