Examples Of Individuality In Fahrenheit 451

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During the Novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury there is a strong disparity between conformity and individuality. Throughout the book characters like Beatty and Mildred show conformity , while other characters show individuality, like Clarisse and Guy Montag. Beatty and Mildred are both supporting characters in the book that show conformity. Beatty, the chief of firemen who burn books, shows conformity by enforcing society's rules, making others conform. “Luckily, queer ones the her don't happen often. We know how to nip most of them at the nub” (P.58). Like this example you can see him punishing nonconformist by burning their homes. Mildred, Montag's wife, is blinded by her conformity. Her thoughts are short, and rather shallow on all topics.

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