Examples Of Fear In The Red Badge Of Courage

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Great fear can sometimes turn into great courage and self-confidence. Stephen Crane describes this fact exceptionally well in his novel The Red Badge of Courage. In the beginning of Crane’s novel Henry has a fear of the unknown along with many other fears. He is going into battle and he has not been tested in such a way before. Henry’s courage was eventually gained from experience and from confidence in himself and his regiment. The Red Badge of Courage demonstrates that courage cannot be defined as taking action without fear, but rather to be courageous in the face of one's fears. This is obvious when Henry acts like a coward in his first battle, in his retreat back to camp, and fights courageously in his last battle at Chancellorsville.
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This is witnessed when the Critics state “He achieves an epiphany, as demonstrated in his instinctive to grab the Union flag and run with it resolutely to join his men in battle. The conclusion, thus, shows Henry as a man, aware of his maturity, his soul changed.”(Napierkowski 257) Henry shows his courage and his bravery by grabbing the Union flag a continue marching alongside his comrades while marching towards the hostile enemy just across the field (in the Civil war if you were holding the flag you were usually the biggest target on the battlefield). “It was revealed to him that he had been a barbarian, a beast. He had fought like a pagan who defends his religion. Regarding it, he saw that it was fine, wild, and in some ways easy. He had a tremendous figure, no doubt. By this struggle he had overcome obstacles which he had admitted to be mountains. They had fallen like paper peaks, and he was now what he called a hero.”(Crane 97). Henry now sees the transformation of himself from the beginning when he retreated back to now courageously fighting the enemy head on. In Addition, the reader can tell a strong difference between boyish Henry to now somewhat of man Henry has become on the battlefield, thus, Henry has overcame his fear and became the hero he always wanted to

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