Essay On Mental Health

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Mental health is an integral part of our overall health and daily to day activities. According to WHO (World Health Organization), mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community". on the contrary, one may experience a significant distress, disability and psychological dysfunction unable to function daily routine activities when mental illness or mental disorder is imminent. although mental disorders have been associated with the the impact on one’s health and wellbeing, it is also have a considerable economic burden when assessed in terms of unemployment …show more content…

Eisenstark, Lam, McDermott, Quanbeck, Scott and Sokolov (2007) reported that twenty five percent of mental health nurses working in public sector hospitals take the major risk in violent attacks from patients resulting a series injury: the prevalence rate being as high as three times that of any vocational group (Del Bel,2003).this number implies that nurses physical as well as emotional health is being compromised largely each day (Lanza, 1992). Another study done from five mental health inpatient units over a period of seven months, indicated that seventy-eight percent of violent incidences came from nurses (Jones, Owen, Tarantello, and Tennant,1998).Nurses are not the only ones being challenged by violence. A study done by Albert Banerjee (2008) in long term care facilities, a shocking number of personal support workers have been a victim of workplace violence. Almost half (43%) of support workers reported they experience violence in everyday work activities. 16.8% of registered nurses and one quarter (24.6%) of licensed practical nurses, registered practical nurses, and registered nursing assistants experience violence on a daily basis. In 2000, social service workers incidence injuries also rose by 9.3 from work related assaults and injuries. As significant as this numbers could be, the numbers could go higher if those underreported cases are reflected that’s comes with the employees belief, “reporting won’t change

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