Essay On Impact Of Internet On Society

530 Words2 Pages

Frank Sigala
Ms. Stormes
English III / 5
04 April 2014
Internet Effects on Today's Society
Since its beginning days in 1969, the Internet has been changing society dramatically. Between social media, online shopping, and even online dating, it's affected society greatly. But it is for the greater good? Or is there a cyber-hole that is just getting too deep to handle for the world? The Internet is actually improving social anonymity, businesses, and higher education.
In a serious ironic twist, the Internet is actually improving anonymity as a human. For a great example, would a typical human of today's general public even consider walking up and talking to an extremely disfigured or even mentally challenged person? Chances are slim of such an occurrence. However, with the internet, the disfigured or challenged being can express their ideas, socialize, and even share life changing advice without being second guessed ("The Internet"). However, such anonymity scares humans and the government, but Johnathan Zittrain explains with an example after the WikiLeaks attack by stating:
If I p...

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