Essay On Food Hygiene

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1. Introduction According to the word from Edward Kwon (2012) who was head chef in Burj al Arab, the Hygiene is the basic of basic rules in cooking procedure. As he said, hygiene is compulsary to all business who offer dining services. The meaning of food hygiene is not just about cleaness, it contains every acts that is preparation, processing, manufacturing, packaging storage, distribution and also how to handle it until it arrives to the customers (Richard A. Sprenger, 2012). This report will provide information about food safety and hazards, food contamination and it’s impact, foodborne illness and prevention, employees responsibilities in food service and guidelines in the order named. 2. Findings and Analysis Our restaurant that can accommodate 56 people and we have kitchen, mech room, dish room, hall where customer seats and toilets. It can be seen in Appendices (Appendice 1). Firstly, we need one more door to deliver foods. The door we use to deliver food is on unappropriate position because every served foods must be passed the toilets. However the others are following the basic setting rules very well such as the position of ventilator that is next to kitchen counter, two doors to go outdoor from the kitchen, dish room surrounded with a wall. 2-1 Food safety and Hazard Food safety is a scientific concept that describes how to handle, prepare, store in order to avoid from food born and harzard (Richard A. Sprenger, 2012). There is three big reasons for food safety. One is about the money. Illnesses from foods occur billions in each year in average at every USA’s states and also for people who run food related business, the financial damage could be a lot. Secondly, it can preserve the food’s quality at the peak. S... ... middle of paper ... ...imes it leads to death. From food poisoning in ruined foods, there are many bacteria and germs ; Yersinia, Campylobacter, Bacillus cereus, Vibrio, Vibrio cholera non-O1, Vibrio mimicus, Vibrio fullbiaris, Vibrio fluvialis that come with vomitting, diarrhea, high fever and chills. 2-3 Foodborne illness and prevention measures Foodborne illness is a disease from consuming food that has germs, bacteria, parasite, naturally-occurred poison, chemical contains, and radiated fallouts. It is dangerous, but there is always way to prevent. When we cook or store, they should be done after washing hands and always heat foods that need to be heated until 74°C at center. And be careful temperatures about 6~60°C that bacteria can grow so fast. If somebody has foodborne illness, the usual way to cure it is supplying water and electrolyte that come out by vomitting and diarrhea.

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