Essay On Cognitive Development

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Social and environmental variables affect cognitive development. Cognitive development focuses on the person’s ability to intellect, perceive and process information. (35589) defined the cognitive ability as the process in which people learn, think and use language; it is the progression of their mental capacity from being irrational to rational (35589). Piaget and Vygotsky are two cognitive theorists whom were interested in the cognitive development of a person across their life span and its relation with social and environmental factors. Piaget is the most known cognitive theorist who affected the world of psychology greatly, and was a great influence to many psychologists out there; however his main intention was the innate maturity process and, unlike Vygotsky, he underestimated the role of language and social interaction and his theory wasn’t useful in the teaching field. However, both theorists believed that a person goes through a sequential process during their development. They were also both aware that one gains knowledge through experience and not through passive learning. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory was his main focus and it helped him make sense of a person’s cognitive development through the way they interaced with others and emphasised on one’s social interaction (blabla). Vygotsky focused on how learning consisted of gathering knowledge and skills from the social community and the different attractions a person observes (v2); a process known as internationalization. His theory was based on two key concepts, first that knowledge can be developed through the experiences a child lives (v1), and an example would be a child seeing his parents arguing over their beliefs; he’d learn how he should have his own belief... ... middle of paper ... ...s in and the way he’s thinking could benefit the nurse in knowing how to deal with that patient, what they would understand and the way they think of things. Knowing all of that would aid the nurse in all stages of Tanner’s model especially during observation where she needs to talk with the patient and understand what they’re going through, and through responding which requires you to take the right choice and deal with the patient in a way you can benefit them and help them. In accordance to Erikson’s developmental framework, nurses are required to understand each developmental stage. Erikson added that nurses can play a crucial role in enhancing a person's development by understanding his developmental stage. Moreover, supporting and encouraging the individual’s behaviour can strengthen his beliefs and solve his developmental issues. (Concept growth)

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