Essay On Career And Technical Education

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Career and Technical Education (CTE) has taken on many forms over the years. According to the Vocational and Technical Education paper: Current Trends, we’ve moved from the word vocational to career and technology education, professional-technical education, and workforce. The overall goal of CTE according to Colorado Career and Technical Education CTE Fact Sheet 2009 Sources: Colorado CTE Role & Mission 2009, CTSO Organizational Records, VE-135 Student Record System, CACTA Task Force has always been to provide a foundation of skills through a hands on approach. I agree with that. We, at PTEC, took that foundation and added general studies (math, history, science and English) and have them apply what they are learning to projects in shop classes. Helping our students to know and to understand (book and hands-on knowledge) the equipment they will be working with. In the paper Vocational and Technical Education: Current Trends, it states that CTE programs continue to be pushed aside and replaced with the preparation for academic assessments. I whole-heartedly agree with this as well. Yes, data can be useful. We can take tests data from MAPS for instance and get what we need versus having to add all the state testing to …show more content…

These goals will be attained through student activity centered projects that develop academic, technical, and team skills.” At PTEC we spoke to area businesses and manufacturing plants and found that what they wanted most out of students graduating and entering the workforce, was for them to show up to work every day, to show up on time, and to work an 8 hour day, staying the full

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