Essay On Being Thankful

576 Words2 Pages

I am thankful for many things, everyday I think of how lucky I am, but today I can only tell you a few of those things. Now if you want to know what those things are then you must keep reading. Oh but the suspense is is getting so strong. Reading this is only gonna take about two minutes, so hopefully you can take some time out of your busy Schedule and continue reading. There are millions of things we all should be thankful for. Just waking up in the morning alive and healthy is something to be extremely thankful for. I am so thankful for friends, family, and dance. You may or may not relate with what I'm saying but you can see how I relate.

I am very thankful for my family for many reasons. They are very loving I know this because they are very kind and they always try to help me for the better and that's all because they love me. They also keep me happy they give me nice things such as clothes and they send me to a good school. They never leave me behind. They are overall amazing …show more content…

It is my passion it makes me so happy. When I dance I always feel so special. I love being on stage I have been performing science the age of 4 maybe even before that. Just the feeling makes me so happy of doing what I love in front of others and to me it is so much fun. Dance makes my forget about everything else in the outside world. It relieves stress for me and calms me down. Dance also gives my joy. They feeling you get when you get a new move down is unspeakable, you feel so proud and now you can move on to the next movement. The challenge of dancing makes me feel joy inside even though it's difficult. Dance also inspires me so much. When I what he more advanced dancers I want to improve so I can be just like them. When others tell me that I inspired them makes me feel like the happiest person on Earth. I love dance with all my heart and I will never stop

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