Engstrom Auto Mirror Case Study Summary

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The absence of appropriate motivation, fairness, and communication are recognized as the root causes of the issues at the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant. These are the real issues that added to the decrease in efficiency and product quality. Workers who are affected in an organization might be a result of de-motivation, poor communication, and personal conflict. The presence of these components is the thing that could result in a decline of workers’ productivity, since workers feel they have no control over their work and what they produce. “The success of any Analysis Organization depends on the ability of managers to provide a motivating environment for its employees” (Osabiya, p. 63). The Scanlon Bonus Plan emerged as a major root cause of …show more content…

Employees didn 't feel the relationship between them and management encouraged a free flow communication channel. Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant implemented a suggestion system that would encourage ways to improve the company. Ultimately the system failed because workers no longer felt like they were contributing effectively to the plant. Input is a fundamental piece of motivating employees and is explained through the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, which,states that only unsatisfied needs motivate an individual. It 's important for employees to know that their suggestions are being listened to, and should be given ways to improve themselves accordingly. This theory expresses that when a lower need is fulfilled, it 's no longer a strong motivator and consequently the interest in the following higher need gets to be overwhelming and the individual 's consideration is turned towards fulfilling this higher …show more content…

Management should share the responsibility with employees to calculate how fast bonuses are generated and earn. This may be a sensible strategy explained by the Vroom 's Expectancy theory; which suggest that people will be motivated to accomplish an objective if they feel it benefits them and also help accomplish the objective. Thus, the employees feel a significant worth of respect, and their sense of liberty increases. The modification to the Scanlon Bonus Plan directly relates to the motivation of employees and has them embrace the social system they operate in at the organization. These adjustments of the Scanlon Bonus Plan straightforwardly identifies with the motivation of employees and how they embrace the social

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