Elizabeth Proctor Character Analysis

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The Crucible is a very popular novel/play written by Arthur Miller. John Proctor is a common, angry, and stubborn farmer who works very hard to get by; until his wife Elizabeth is accused of witchcraft. Elizabeth Proctor or John's wife is an average, jealous, and insecure housewife in the town of Salem when she receives claims of witchcraft on her name. John and Elizabeth are common people who have to overcome a great trial. John Proctor is the first character being discussed. John had an affair with Abigail Williams who previously worked for his family. John is always very caught in his ways. He is often very angry. John Proctor: "Herrick! Herrick, don't chain her! Damn you, man you will not chain her!" (Miller 82). You can see John is a very aggressive person based on his language. He is also very persistent restating his commands several times. …show more content…

Elizabeth is accused of being a witch by Abigail Williams because she (Abigail) wants to be with John. She is a very insecure, jealous and worried individual. Elizabeth Proctor: "I think you somewhat ashamed, for I am there and she so close" (Miller 65). Elizabeth is Insecure about her relationship with John she thinks he is constantly thinking about Abigail. She is jealous of Abigail because she had an affair with John. The crucible is a very popular novel/play written by Arthur Miller. John and Elizabeth Proctor are a basic couple who deal with difficult situations. John remains somewhat static throughout most of the play. Elizabeth sees Abigail as a threat during the entire story as she

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