Effects Of Martin Luther's 95 Theses

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The 1500’s were a time of reformation and also a time of corruption in the church. The pope, Pope Leo X was one of the most corrupt popes because of his greed for money. The church was very wealthy during the protestant reformation promoting false beliefs to many people, but one man named Martin Luther changed that with his 95 theses because of his dislike for the wrongdoings from the Catholic church. Martin’s 95 theses was a document of complaints and dislikes about the church. When he visited Rome and saw the corruption he was appalled because of the way things were in the church. Increasingly growing more and more angry about it he wrote his 95 theses. He wanted a change so badly that he grew bold and he got his theses printed and attached the document to the doors of the church. The pope at the time only brushed Luther’s theses off little did he know that in the near future Luther would get so much attention for his theses and gain followers as well. …show more content…

People started to see the logic in his words and they started to break away from the Catholic church and in the process starting the protestant reformation. In his theses Luther believed that Faith not good deeds could save a person. People were convinced when they were told that if they pay so much money that their loved ones would be able to get out of purgatory and make it to heaven. Indulgences such as this was one of the major things that made Martin Luther so angry and adamant of writing his 95 theses because he wanted to see a change in the Catholic

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