Earthquake Dbq

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What would you do if you lost everything because of an earthquake? How would you get help? On October 16, 2013 a 7.2 magnitude quake struck the central Philippines. People lost lives, homes, family, and friends. Unfortunately, there were many aftershocks and tons of people were injured. People reacted by getting help from the Red Cross, providing evacuation centers, and gathering resources. The Red Cross has done many things to help the people that are hurt, injured, or lost lives of people that matter to them. The Red Cross has provided at least 10,000 families with essential household items including blankets, water containers, personal hygiene items, mosquito nets and tarpaulins. ( Doc A). The Red Cross has only been able to meet the shelter needs of 1,200 families ( Doc A). “ People still need relief supplies, water and health services but we also need to assist those who need to repair their homes, and help rebuilding homes,” said Richard Gordon, chairman of Philippine Red Cross ( Doc A ).The Red cross has already met the needs for many people, so I hope that the Red Cross continues to help the people of Bohol and the central Philippines. …show more content…

Interior Security Mar Roxas, in a statement, said he had ordered the national police to check reports that some local officials in Bohol had been “ hoarding” relief goods and distributing them selectively to supporters ( Doc C). Supplies enough for two weeks for each family were being airlifted or shipped to the quake-ravaged island ( Doc C). People are doing anything to gather resources such as food and water. Even if it means walking around in the rain barefooted ( Doc E). Ever since the big quake, gathering resources is how the people of Bohol have reacted. If the families keep on collecting resources, their life in Bohol will hopefully become

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