Doping In Sports Essay

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Joe Humphreys states how sport should not be seen as a unifier or a metaphor for life, but rather as something that can bring out the worst in people and has a negative influence, in his book Foul Play: What’s Wrong with Sport. In my opinion, I would have to agree. So often we find ourselves focusing on how sport can occasionally bring groups of people together, that we often neglect the negative side of sports; how it can create barriers between groups, how it encourages unethical or discriminatory behavior and, the most controversial issue, doping. “Athletes are in a position to make a decision about what behavior is in their best interest; weigh the risks and benefits according to their own values.” Lewis Kurlontzick, a professor from the University of Connecticut, School of Law, makes this statement when asked how he feels about athletes doping. However as time passes, the level of competitiveness in sport have made athletes feel like they are in an environment where they are forced to take drugs in order for them to compete. The athletes’ main concern or goal when taking perform...

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