Diversity In The Workplace Essay

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In the workplace, it is common to encounter individuals of different cultures, ethnicities, and genders. This diversity can either lead to an introduction of new work methods, or it can lead to conflict between coworkers. In order to avoid conflict, and have all employees work as a cohesive team, managers must educate themselves, and their employees on the topic of cultural diversity. In order for your practices to be considered effective, you must not only respect and recognize an employee’s diversity, you must use their difference to benefit them.
As indicated By Baraka, in the article “Organizational and Personal Dimensions in Diversity Climate: Ethnic and Gender Differences in Employee Perceptions”, the more aware a professional is of gender and ethnicity differences, the more comfortable and secure employees are in the work place. Employees from minority backgrounds are less likely to participate in the work place due to previous exposure to exclusion and discrimination in the work place. Providing employees with an environment that promotes diversity is less threating to emp...

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