Disproportionality In Special Education Essay

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A longstanding national issue that continues to concern the public is the disproportionate representation of children from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in special education. The fact is that the proportion of minority students in the population of school-age children has risen dramatically to over 35%, which is increasing the diversity of students in many public schools throughout the nation. This makes the phenomenon of disproportionality especially troubling. With a growing population of minority children comprising a greater percentage of public school students, we must be responsive to the growing needs of an increasingly diverse society. The overrepresentation of minority students in special education has been posed as an issue for more than 3 decades, but it is worth asking whether the efforts of legislative actions, educational reforms and legal challenges have really made improvements to this issue. More importantly, disproportionality should be examined as a correlation to underlying conditions that can pose a great effect upon not only the quality of a child’s education, but also ______. Providing appropriate public education to qualified students has been federally mandated since 1975, but is still a challenging and often controversial matter in which the public has voiced concern. One reason for which the public’s concern has been provoked is that it is reported in low-incidence categories such as deafness or blindness, which is usually diagnosed by medical professionals, there is no indications of disproportion (Donovan and Cross, 1). Instances in which there are higher proportions of minority students occurs more so in the high-incidence categories of mental retardation (MMR), emotional disturbance (ED), and... ... middle of paper ... ...essive can be reversed or worsened depending on the effectiveness of classroom management (Donovan and Cross). Among the predominant explanations offered for the existence of disproportionate ethnic representation in special education is the influence of poverty or socioeconomic disadvantage on the academic readiness of minority students. The National Research Council (NRC) reported on research that was conducted and concluded with a “definitive yes” that there are “biological and social/contextual contributors to early development that differ by race and that leave students differentially prepared to meet the cognitive and behavioral demands of schooling” (Skiba, et al. 131). The NRC suggested that the effects of a number of biological and social factors could be included under the broader heading of poverty. The relationship between disproportionality and poverty

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