Dark Books and Human Nature in The Road by Cormac McCarthy Writings

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The Lucky One’s

Losing a phone compared to being raped, starved, killed, and eaten in pieces makes everyday life seem not so excruciating. Cormac McCarthy was born July 20, 1933 and is one of the most influencing writers of this era. McCarthy was once so poor he could not even afford toothpaste. Of course this was before he became famous. His lifestyle was hotel to hotel. One time he got thrown out of a $40 dollar a month hotel and even became homeless. This is a man who from experience knows what should be appreciated. McCarthy published a novel that would give readers just that message called The Road. Placed in a world of poverty the story is about a man and his son. They travel to a warmer place in hopes of finding something more than the scattered decomposing bodies and ashes. The father and son face hunger, death, and distrust on their long journey. 15 year old Lawrence King was shot for being gay. Known as a common hate crime, the murderer obviously thought he was more superior to keep his life and to take someone’s life. Believing ideas in a possible accepting world with no conditions is dangerous thought to that person’s immunity to the facts of reality.

Novelist Cormac McCarthy believes his dark books reflect the harsh events of human nature. McCarthy had a vision of life that was plain and simple in his mind making it harder for some readers to accept. In an interview Oprah asks McCarthy where the apocalyptic dream came from and he replied “I went and stood at a window, and I could hear the trains coming through, a very lonesome sound. I just had this image of these fires up on the hill and I thought a lot about my little boy” (New York Times

Magazine, 1992). His imagery of loss and disaster moved McCarthy to writ...

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...re is no such thing as life without bloodshed.. The notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony is really a dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous” (New York Times Magazine, 1992).

Because the means to suffer is more than people know, such things give people the message to be thankful for society’s luxuries. The Road characters face the sights of horror. The Ukrainians face similar events of poverty such as cannibalism and starvation. McCarthy wanted to inform reader’s life is pretty dang good compared to roasting over a fire. Appreciating every minute of life without abusing or misjudging the evils of life will only send the human population further to empathy.

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