Confronting Past Bullies: A Tale of Redemption

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This scene takes place at the end of the conversation between Ellebry, Eric, and Dale. It would occur in this part of the story because this is one of the few times that Eric sees Dale not counting flashbacks. While Eric and Ellebry are there Eric asks Dale a personal question. "Thank You for all your help Dale, but can I ask you a question? I really didn't want to get too personal. You know maybe if I kept sweating like this I would have burnt at least 200 calories. "Yea make it quick, I got to do some damn things" Says Dale. "Why were you such a bully in Junior high?" I say nervously. Damn that was a stupid question, I am about to get beat up. Oh no, let me close my eyes and clinch my face. After nothing really happened, or it did happen and my face is just really numb that I can't feel it anymore. The room was awkwardly silent for good two to three minutes, I slowly opened my eyes and then Dale finally started talking. "What kind of a fucking question is that?" I stayed silent and just waited for his to answer, cause I just had this feeling that he would talk. Again moments of silence passed and then he finally spoke. …show more content…

Alright I was much older than You and Scarface and yet we were in the same grade. So I had to be a dick to everyone. I didn't really have the best childhood, my old mad physically and verbally abused me. I had to wear a turtle neck for three days so none of you would see his hand marks around my neck. You and Scarface were easy targets to pick on and really just let my anger out. You looked like you were at least 100 pounds overweight and Scarface was the ugliest thing to exist. You know that crispy pork rinds stupid shit that you two were making. Yea the one that was about me hurt a lot, I was ready to kill both of you. Maybe if I got really successful in life and wasn’t stupider than a 2nd grader I could have gotten back at my dad. Maybe he would regret all the stuff that he did to

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