Culture And Culture: The Denotation Of Culture

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The denotation of culture, via “Live Science”, is: “Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.” However, the connotation of culture fluctuates from person to person, as does their own individual denotation for culture. Culture contrasts for each individual because it is influenced by a multitude of aspects in one’s life, as displayed in “Two Kinds” and “HAPA”. Perception is one element that is exceedingly influenced by culture; all of one’s values and opinions are shaped by his or her cultural background. Dr. John Demartini is the founder of the Demartini Institute, where those who are employed study human development and behavior. Over the years, Demartini has discovered that “your values arise from and are therefore determined by your conscious or unconscious voids (what you …show more content…

Lee ascertains herself as “half Asian and half other race” (Neary 53). In Hawaii, where Lee first heard the term (HAPA), it is meant as derogatory, but Lee sees is “as a source of empowerment” (Neary 53). In Hawaii, Lee was accepted because her features represent multiple races, and that is how one fits in in Hawaii. Part of Lee’s culture is that she is multicultural, but she is continually “dealing with the curiosity and occasional ignorance of people confused by her multiethnic background” (Neary 53). Lee is used to being different from everyone else, so finding a term that permits her to fit in does not insult her. Lee’s opinion of the term “HAPA” is positive because of her cultural background. However, most others view “HAPA” as an insult because they do not have a multicultural background. The perception of those who are familiar with “HAPA” has been influenced by their cultural background, and have therefore altered their opinions on the

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