Creativity And Culture Essay

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There are many people who believe and consider that creativity is affected by culture, the way that ideas, how concepts are introduced, and developed into a reality. In today’s market, creativity is linked to innovation, which is an appreciated and sought after skill to have in todays changing world. I agree with this statement and declaration with four reasons. The first reason is if we did not let people think of ways to be improve items, then we would not be currently in a place in society with the advancement of technology and new ideas that come out everyday from the people of the world. Secondly, the believed notion that “More Energy is equaled to Better Moods”, which is appropriately true about how creativity is affected by culture. Another reason why creativity is affected by culture is allowing the possibilities and opportunities created by creative minds of our culture. The final reason why creativity is affected by culture is one learns persistence and dedication from the journey they take to be unique and creative; while they create and find new answers that they never knew before using creativity to …show more content…

There have been great breakthroughs from scientist to doctors who have drastically changed the world in way we live, work, decide, and think. For example, Thomas Edison, inventor of the incandescent light bulb. He was interested in an idea thus studied it, tried ways to create electricity, and realized that you could create light using a certain way of generating electricity and putting into a object. During his time nobody put limits on him and let his mind be free and inquisitive which then develops into marvelous ingenious ideas, objects from hard work and dedication. So creativity does affect societies culture by showing that if you put restraints on peoples mind you will not be creative and come up with new

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