Creative Monologue

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The lights dimmed and as I blinked to focus, a hand reached through the darkness and nudged me forward. My stomach dropped and my mind went blank. Then the fluorescents blazed, the music began, and my feet started to move as if I was in a trance. I was not a small, goofy six-year-old but an elegant ballerina. My arms hit every pose, my feet precisely placed in every combination, and my little face full of glee. Then, without notice, the music began to fade and I felt myself settling like a superhero returning to the modesty of his disguise. Once again I was engulfed in blackness and the mysterious hands nudged me back to the tangled wings of the stage. As I stood off stage, I looked down at my perfectly polished, saddle-colored tap shoes, and …show more content…

My sister Alex’s costume was a great swirling mass of ruby and ivory, checkered to resemble the familiar pattern of a picnic table cloth. My costume was a childish combination of a milky color and onyx. The costume consisted of small black felt ears, fashioned to fit the theme of livestock, that itched my little head to no end. The randomly placed charcoal spots completed my transformation into a small cow. The recital was planned for the evening of Father’s Day. That morning ignoring my protest, my mama, sister, and I all headed to church. My miniature body wiggled and stretched, just trying to pass the everlasting minutes of church that seemed to drag on with my anticipation. My mind was completely spaced from the loud shouting and the soulful singing that usually identified church. When church was over, I rushed to my mom’s baby blue Honda and shuffled my feet waiting for her to end her ritual conversation with my …show more content…

It appeared that a tornado of glitter had whirled through Little Rock. Clothes were tossed off, tights ripped in their hurry to get them on, and kids were stuffed into their costumes after their unplanned summertime growth spurts. I entered with caution and searched for a seat to escape from the crowd. I finally managed to wiggle my way to an empty spot and my mama, mimicking the actions of the other parents, began to dress me in a similar haze. After dressing me and adding the finishing touches to my sister and my makeup, she returned to her seat to leave me drowning in my

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