Corolla Marketing Strategy

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Like everything else within company marketing plan, company positioning strategy is congruent with company intended market to increase the maximum reach—that is, ascertaining the consistent marketing message tactic is actually hitting and sticking to the intended market by conducting effective research and monitoring of metrics throughout the campaign. To increase company reach, we focus on brand building opportunities in frequency—or the number of times we can put the message and the Corolla in the way of the consumer on a regular basis through commercials, billboards, magazines, dealerships, and much more. The higher the frequency of company tactics, the more aware consumers become of the value in the Corolla, and ultimately, the stronger company brand equity becomes. Building brand equity, however, relies on optimized positioning strategies—or highlighting particular components of the Corolla that deliver company message by demonstrating their benefit to company specific audience. Marketing and distribution channel: Company effective marketing strategy enhances reach—or direct influence on company target market—by incorporating all of the differentiators necessary to make the Corolla stand out to …show more content…

Maintaining consistency in measurability, company tactics take cues from maintaining a balanced scorecard, which is a tool used to track the performance of any implemented strategies. Below are some examples of company intended distribution channels and marketing tactics which are commonly

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