Conflict In Looking For Alaska

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narrator speaks as ‘I’ which adds immediacy to the story. For example in the narrative at the beginning a sentence that had made me figured it was first person was “is this why you want to leave miles?mom asked i mulled it over for a moment, careful not to look at her. Uh no, i said “ because the terms ‘I’ were used i had known. There are many conflicts in this narrative but the first one I will be talking about is person vs self, Throughout the book Miles is trying to discover himself and who he really is, looking for The Great Perhaps. In the before section of the book, he is Miles. He is friendless and unhappy until Culver Creek where he becomes Pudge. Then he works harder and harder to discover who this new found Pudge is. During the after section when Alaska dies, he realizes the who and what Pudge is. He discovers the Great Perhaps and moves onward into his new life. So through the whole book he isn't just looking for The Great Perhaps, he is looking for his self identity. And Alaska's death helps him to discover …show more content…

They are determined to find out why and how she died. It is a mystery that is really bothering them and they want answers. That is a Person vs. Person conflict. They know she was in a car accident, but like them I want to know why and how this happened and who did it , I think it could have been suicide and she had planned to do it at the specific time and place that she did. I think the “straight and fast” quote from the book that she had highlighted had something to do with her decision. Also the question that she wrote on her religion test gave clues to what she wanted to do. Many people are focused on the conflict about where Alaska Young dies, she was always known to be the gorgeous , clever, funny, girl so out of all people why her? What had she done to deserve this,

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