Confidentiality And Project Risk Management

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C.I.A triangle is a model that is designed to protect approaches to information security in an organization (Tipton, Forkey, & Choi, 2016). It’s an abbreviation that stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. At times it is also referred to as A.I.C. triad (Available, Integrity, and Confidentiality). They are the most critical components of security of information. Confidentiality Confidentiality has an equivalent meaning with privacy (Whitman, Mattord, 1997). Some information is so private that access to unauthorized parties is a great offense. That is why measures are designed to protect sensitive information from reaching unauthorized people. In many organizations data is categorized by the type of damage that is likely to …show more content…

A good project risk management involves control of possible future occurrence. Project risk management is one of the skill most necessary and an area any project manager has to be competent in, for success in organizational projects. Project risk is an unexpected event that in case it happens hurts the objectives of a project (Whitman, Mattord, 1997). Although every Company must have a project at one time after every few months, in many organizations Project risk management is undeveloped and more attention is put on risk management of the entire firm’s operation. Normally, project risk management is a continuous process meant to identify a problem and a resolution. It includes planning, budgeting, organizing and also cost control. With all this control, surprises are reduced because the emphasis is now on proactive instead of reactive …show more content…

The structure of management is hierarchical where decisions are made by the top management and passed down to the other managers and departmental heads. The objectives set are to enable one accomplish a specific goal. In traditional management authority and power are demonstrated in the way decisions are made, and the employees are internally motivated to achieve and to advance in their career. The authority is maintained and exercised through a command as well as a control style. Goals and also objectives aim at sales, policy, profits and the output of the organization (Whitman, Mattord, 1997). Traditional management cannot be practiced by an organization that wants to keep up with global competition. Challenges within the business environment have prompted the organization to change from the traditional management to a flexible

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