Comparing Pichert And Anderson's The House

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Society isn't perfect. Nor will it ever be. Especially if we teach our children the bad habits we have. They learn how you're supposed to act and then will teach their children the same thing. Each family is affected by society's decisions and expectations. In some households, love is portrayed through materialistic items. This is best shown through Pichert and Anderson’s “The House”. Mark is skipping school with his friend because his “Mom is never home on Thursday” (Pichert and Anderson). Already showing that Mark's relationship with his parents isn't as strong as it should be. Giving Mark the need to brag “...that he could get spending money whenever he needed it since he’d discovered that his Dad kept a lot in the desk drawer.” (Pichert …show more content…

Whether it's about your looks, the way you dress, your skin color, or who you are seen with. “The Flowers” by Alice Walker shows what the worlds actions and thoughts on skin color can do to someone. As a child you are as carefree as can be, without one care about what's happening in the world. Because, you live in your own special world. Myop’s world is the path in the woods she always took until she strayed from the path. “She had often been as far before, but the strangeness of the land made it not as pleasant as her usual haunts” (Walker 1). She's started to explore the world around her as do most children do once they start to grow older. However, exploring the world can have some consequences. Myop at a young age finds "Very near where she'd stepped into the head was a wild pink rose. As she picked it to add to her bundle she noticed a raised mound, a ring, around the rose's root. It was the rotted remains of a noose, a bit of shredding plowline, now blending benignly into the soil...Myop laid down her flowers” (Walker 1). Seeing that slave dead is the product of what society does to colored people. Teaching her that the world wasn't as colorful as she thought it was. That she’ll never be treated equally because of her color ruining her innocent view on the world. Giving her a negative view on society and losing her hope in it ever improving. “And the summer was over” (Walker …show more content…

Whether it's a new dance, or humiliating political people. However over the years the new generations satisfactory levels have gone down. “This Honey Child Is A Real Boo Boo” by Mitch Albom gives great ideas on how society finds the worst things enjoyable. One way society gains entertainment is through television shows. One of the possibly worst and disturbing shows is about a mother who buys her daughter “two-piece cowgirl outfits, pays for strutting and dance lessons and encourages her child to say things like,’A dollah makes me hollah….” (Albom). No one believes that exposing your child like that on TV is right. That's why society finds it so entertaining. Although they also find the “recent death of Tony Scott, whose suicidal leap was filmed by several people…” (Albom) to be amusing. The younger children who saw this didn’t know right from wrong. They thought this was good and chose to find more entertainment like this. What's worst is that “We don't want to think, we want to be amused. We don't want to try, we want to feel superior. We don't want to correct people, we would rather mock them. We don't do we watch” (Albom). Society is teaching the next generation to think like this. Making them more greedy and fill the world with more evil than there needs to

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