Compare And Contrast China And America's Form Of Government

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America, China, and Great Britain all have separate forms of government that they use to rule over the people in their countries. America’s form of government can be summarized as a federal republic. Great Britain’s form of government is a constitutional monarchy. China’s government can be referred to as a communist state, but it is important to state that the government of China contains a single-party system that acts as a republic. America, China, and Great Britain all have different forms of government that determine the structure of the state and the policies that are created within the government for the people. America’s government, a federal republic, is often characterized by the word democracy. Democracy simple means that the power …show more content…

Other entities such as the Department of Justice are able to determine is corporations are doing business according to the rules. All of these entities ensure that the economy is running how it should be. One of the keys to a stable economy is the principle that all people can influence it. All people are given the same freedoms and opportunities through the Constitution. The Constitution ensures that all people have access to the same freedoms so that no one can be discriminated against. The Constitution also plays in citizens’ roles. Every citizen, because of the Constitution, has equal opportunity to obtain or maintain a job. The Constitution ensures that all people have the same basic rights and are able to impact the economy. The United States also has a system of healthcare that is controlled by the government. This program is known as the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The government hopes to provide healthcare to every person who needs it, despite financial issues. A growing issue with Obamacare is that many people would rather pay directly for health issues rather than signing up for Obamacare. This is because the premiums for middle-class or upper-class citizens are

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