Compare And Contrast Anne Bradstreet And Edward Taylor

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Holding a candle to 17th century Male and Female Poets Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor are two of the most recognizable poets from early American History; they were also both American Puritans, who changed the world with their poetry. We can see many similarities in their poetry when it comes to the importance of religion and also on having children and losing children. There are however differences in the audience of their poetry and their personal views on marriage. Bradstreet and Taylor both came over to America in the 17th century and settled in New England. Though Taylor came years later we can see the similarities through their poetry. Anne Bradstreet was born in the United Kingdom in 1612. Through her fathers help she was very …show more content…

This is the main similarity we can see in their poetry. However this is also where they differ as well, in their exact relationship with God. Bradstreet first found herself before realizing her love for God. This was probably due to her being well educated and independent, she really was the first feminist to hit the world. Bradstreet found God in nature a lot of the times and expressed that in her poem ‘Contemplation’ When I behold the heavens as in their …show more content…

(Norton, 121) For the most part of the poem she states how she believes that it is Gods calling, [Then ta’en away unto eternity] but in other parts of the poem she eludes to the fact that she feels more like her granddaughter was stolen from her [or sigh thy days so soon were terminate]. One of the main beliefs in these times was that when someone died it was their time; God needed them and had a better plan. Both poets found peace in the idea that God had the children now and it was part of the plan, but are also deeply saddened and used poetry as a coping mechanism. Bradstreet and Taylor differed greatly on how they wrote about love. Bradstreet wrote many poems about love for herself, her husband, her children, humankind and also Ryan 5 God; whereas Taylor wrote solely on his love for God. Bradstreet was a pioneer in the idea of writing about loving your husband and self. This was one of her greatest achievements and also greatest gifts to the world, even though it was not appropriate to write about such subjects she did anyway. The combination of Bradstreet and Taylors poetry about love prove to the world that love can exist in any part of life and should be appreciated and

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