Common Core Reflective Essay

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Through the use of Extrinsic Proofs, I can include myself as a Proximate Authority. Through this authority, I will know about the Common Core based off of being present while it was administered to schools. The Common Core was started in 2009. This method was a way that educators could make sure students around the country are learning the same. This meant that a student in California will learn the same things that a student in New York would. The fact that 20.2 million people are attending college as of 2015, means that when the speech is delivered in 5 years t hat number should be hitting the 50 million range. The Common Core sets standards that are good enough to get a student through their first year of a college credit English course. Being part of the product of the Common Core makes me a …show more content…

We also went over proper citation and writing differences between fiction and non fiction writing in school. When I took the placement exam for English classes at LIU, I was able to place into English 16, which is the first college credit English course a student takes. Even though all teachers have the abilities to create their own lesson plans, they still have to use the Common Core’s standards in order to successfully teach their classes. Students how are introduced to the Common Core and adhere to them should be able to succeed in college. Understanding this has also helped me to learn how to properly put together a cover letter and resume for employment. Although the Common Core is created to help prepared students for college, these standards are also beneficial to obtaining or advancing in career opportunities. I have been able to obtain many jobs and I consider it to be because of what I learned from the Common Core. Saying this, I can be a good Proximate Authority because I have experienced the teachings of the Common Core. Although I am not an expert, I know first hand what the material is like and the difficulty of

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