Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Paper

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Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Introduction Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) attends to both external interactions amongst family members and their internal experiences. This treatment modality also attends to the families’ emotional reaction to one another (Wetchler & Hecker, 2015). CBFT holds that healthy families are those that are able to be more flexible to lives stressors, and maintain appropriate consequences for negative behaviors (Dattilio, 2010). Families that are dysfunctional on the other hand, will hold dysfunctional family schemas and reinforce negative behaviors by the use of intermitted reinforcement (Nichols, 2013). CBFT is guided by the principle that the therapist and family members in treatment should have a collaborative …show more content…

Automatic thoughts are a stream of conscious thoughts that seem plausible at the time, although they may be distorted. These negative thoughts are shaped by cognitive distortions, there are eight of these distortions. Overgeneralization, is when an isolated incident is allowed to serve as the representative for all possible situations. Personalization, assuming that independent and or isolated events involve you when in fact they do not. Mind reading, knowing what others are thinking or feeling without actual verbal communication. Dichotomous thinking, black and white thoughts, things are either this way or that but no grey areas. Selective abstraction, negative information is highlighted as truth while all other information is ignored. Magnification and minimization, is when a situation can be viewed as being more important or less important than it really is. Attributions, are inferences that individuals make about the reasoning behind an event or situation that occurs, that may or may not be distorted. Expectancies are predictions that individuals make about the likelihood that something will

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