Christian Science v Morman

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Introduction With the advancements in the study of social sciences, there has been a somewhat parallel growth of cults which though have their foundations in the original Bible and the Christian teachings, yet one may observe that the majority of the present day cults not only deny the essential doctrines, they openly emphasize and present their own personal reinterpretations of the biblical scriptures. The following paper will present two such cases, those of Christian Science and the Mormons, and strive to present some of the comparative elements, their beliefs, customs, religious ceremonies and leadership aspects. Christian Science - Leadership Founded by a woman named Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) in 1879, the cult of Christian Science primarily bases its beliefs on the personal healing experience of its founder, after suffering from various illnesses. Eddy later embarked upon a detailed study and research mission of the Bible, paying particular attention to the various healing methods mentioned in the Biblical Book of the Christian followers. Perhaps inspired by a healing method, which Eddy dubbed as Christian Science, she authored a book titled "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures". The launching of this book provided for the emergence of this new cult, which she duly named "Christian Science", followed by opening of a college, a church, a publishing enterprise and a newspaper, "The Christian Science Monitor" that later found considerable fame amongst the followers of Christians as well as believers of other faiths. Though the faith did not emerge until after 4 years of the publication of the first issue of "Science and Health", it was only in 1879 that a proper metaphysical college was opened followed by the opening of the first Church for the followers of Christian Science. (Slick, 2003; Kramer, 2004; Meyer, 1961) Christian Science - The Faith The primary set of contradictions present in the Christian Science are that though God's creations including human beings are flawless and appear to be the spiritual likeness of the Divine, yet evils such as disease, death, and sin are not a part of fundamental reality. The faith further teaches that the said evils are the result of staying away from the original teachings of God. To overcome such a dilemma, the Christian Science offers prayer as the primary and... ... middle of paper ... ...ritual sense of existence. (Stevens, 2004) Virgin Birth The characteristic of Virgin Birth and that of Virgin Mary is disputed by the Mormons, yet the Christian Science followers have a somewhat similar set of beliefs as believed by the Christians the world over. The Mormons are of the view that Jesus Christ was born out of sexual intercourse between God the Father and Mary, totally rejecting the concept of the Holy Spirit. The followers of the Christian Science, on the other claims that Jesus Christ was born out of Mary's Spiritual thoughts. (Stevens, 2004) Heaven and Hell The concepts of Heaven and Hell too have totally different perceptions in both the cults of Christian Science and Mormons. For example, the Mormons are of the view that each human being will be assigned to any of the 3 heavens as preached in the Mormon set of beliefs. The Christian Science in rejecting the concept of both heaven and hell preaches that sinners make their own hell, while saints make their own heavens, each according to their actions. Furthermore, the Christian Science also rejects the judgement day as preached by Christians, and claims that it is one event occurring all the time. (Stevens, 2004)

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