Child Neglect Essay

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Child neglect is the most common form of maltreatment towards children, which may lead to various short- and long-term physical, psychological and social consequences. It is known to coincide with other forms of abuse and difficulties. Infants and toddlers are often the main victims of neglect.
Unlike physical or sexual abuse, in which specific abusive acts are directed towards a child, neglect is typically defined by the absence of provision for a child’s basic needs (Gough, 2005).
What distinguishes neglect from additional forms of maltreatment is its inherent omission of behaviour rather than a commission of behaviour, as in the case of physical or sexual abuses (Sagatun & Edwards, 1995; Zuravin, 1991). Over recent years, it has been increasingly recognized that child neglect has a more severe and adverse impact on children’s development than abuse (Hildyard and Wolfe 2002; Trickett and McBride-Chang 1995).
The physical abuse of children covers a wide range of actions from what some might term ‘justifiable chastisement’ such as slapping or spanning to the sort of actions which most would agree constitute deliberate, sadistic cruelty against children.
Neglect, on the other hand, is usually defined in terms of an absence of actions, a failure to provide or respond to the changing needs of a growing child.

Neglect has an extensive impact on children. A summary of literature in this area, Horwath (2007) stated that neglect could have a damaging affect on all of the developmental needs of a chid, including physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and behavioural development. Recent research has focused on the way in which neglect affects the developing brain, and subsequently influences all areas of development. This provides evidenc...

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... exposed to abusive environments show delays or restrictions in their physical growth as well as in their mental development (Smith, 1975).

One of the main focuses on research on neglect is the emphasis on mothers rather than fathers. Neglect is frequently interpreted ad a failure in mothering (Swift, 1995). In more recent years there has been a push towards recognizing the important roles fathers play in the development and well being of their children (Flouri and Buchanan, 2003). Among the variables that have been studied as risk factors for child neglect are demographic characteristics, parenting behaviour (as measured through self-report questionnaires and behavioural observations), parenting attitudes (including attributions and expectations for child's behaviour), and certain personality variables (such as anger, confidence, self-esteem, and impulse control).

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