Cause And Effect Essay On Concussions

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Sports are a great way for children to get out and be active. Some sports, like football, are very physical and could cause injuries to occur. One of the most serious injuries that can happen is a concussion. Concussions are head injuries that occur after a blow or jolt to the head. Symptoms of concussions include dizziness, blurred vision, vomiting, etc. Playing contact sports is just a known risk the parents and kids will have to be willing to take in order to participate such activities. Some parents do not want their children to participate in sports because they fear that they will get hurt. Other parents just take the risks because they want their children to learn to compete at an early age. Concussions are very serious conditions that …show more content…

A player should never go back onto the field or court if they have symptoms of a concussion. “... sometimes people believe playing through head injuries shows strength and courage. Not only is that belief wrong, but it can put a young athlete at risk for serious injury” (Cole 1). Playing through some injuries can show toughness, but playing through head injuries is just plain stupid. If an athlete suffers a concussion and continues to play they could go into a coma and could even die. “With concern over sports-related concussions continuing to rise, the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council launched a study about youth-sports concussions last week in response to a request from members of the U.S. Senate” (T. B. 1). Concussions are nothing to play around with, and that is why the U.S. Senate wants the doctors to launch the study of concussions. No head injury should be something to ignore. Players should tell their coaches if they feel even slightly different than normal. Speaking up about your injury could turn out to save your life. Some athletes feel like speaking up may make them seem weak, but who cares how weak it may seem if it can potentially save …show more content…

A few years ago people just knew that a concussion caused a headache and some blurred vision. They thought they could play through a little soreness of the head. However, they did not know how severe the side effects were. New knowledge of concussions has caused a few changes in the sports world. “Football has always been a physical sport, but new concerns about concussions have resulted in more restrictions for young players” (Hudson 38). People have always known about concussions, nowadays they are just more aware. From little leagues all the way through professional sports the games are changing because of the added knowledge of concussions. Rules are changing for the best and are affecting the games greatly. “Professional sports leagues have made strides to improve concussion awareness and regulate return to play. High Schools have followed suit-- and, increasingly, parks and recreation agencies are also getting involved in testing concussion safety” (Terl 2). Heightened awareness of concussions is changing sports in many ways. Some people do not like all the added rules. The added rules benefit some players, but at the same time take away from others. The most affected sport is football because concussions seem to occur most often in that sport. Football has been described as a continuous car wreck, and these added rules are just trying the game safer. However, overall, heightened

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