Catalysts and Chemical Reaction

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CATALYSTS Catalysts are substances used to increase or decrease the rate of a chemical reaction. A catalyst is a substance which alters the rate of a chemical reaction but is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction.The word catalysts originally comes from the word Catalysis meaning the change in rate of a chemical reaction. Catalysts unlike other substances, may participate in many chemical transformations but never consumed by the reaction itself. This means that, when a catalyst is added to two substances to increase the reaction rate between them, the catalyst isn't consumed and may be used again.([3]" Reactions: Catalysts and Inhibitors.") For example, the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide; in this chemical reaction , manganese oxide can be used as a catalyst. Using the help of the manganese oxide, the reaction will take place faster but never the less, manganese oxide itself will not be consumed. Catalysts that speed up the rate of reaction are know as positive catalysts and others that slow down the rate of reaction are know as inhibitors or negative catalysts. Scientifically speaking, catalytic reactions are the fastest chemical reactions. The rate of the reaction depends on the frequency of the physical contact of the two reactants. The more they collide, the more activation energy is produced and therefore the faster the reaction. However, although catalysts are not consumed by the chemical reaction itself, they can be inhibited, destroyed or deactivated. But never the less catalysts authorizes a suitable local environment in order to promote one or more chemical reactions to react. ([6]"The Effect of Catalysts on Rates of Reaction." Chemguide) Technically, the importance of catalysts pl... ... middle of paper ... ...ader's CHEM4KIDS.COM. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. . [4]Creative Chemistry - Fun Activities, Worksheets, Games and Revision Quizzes. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. . [5]"Dubai's Traffic Pollution among World's Worst -" Middle East Business News, Gulf Financial & Industry Events & Information - Web. 08 Oct. 2011. . [6]"The Effect of Catalysts on Rates of Reaction." Chemguide: Helping You to Understand Chemistry - Main Menu. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. . [7]"Power Gains from a Sports Catalyst." Car Tuning & Modified Cars - How To... Guides. Web. 08 Oct. 2011. .

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