Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory

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Background Information about Imani This case study involves a women in her early forties named, Imani. Lately she has been unhappy for several reasons. She does not feel the same joy she once had in her career, her relationship status (after being divorced for the past five years) is not where she wants it to be as she feels uncomfortable dating, and she feels that parenthood had come and gone without starting a family with the man (who she had divorced) she met in her senior year in college felt the time was never right to start a family. Lately, Imani feels that going back to school will fill that something in her life she feels she is missing, but is unsure what she would like to study. She has also been taking care of her aging mother …show more content…

Even though this theory is not a stage theory, it provides a physical structure that relates to stage theories. Explaining Imani's development as a person and possibly why she is in the stagnation portion of Stage 7 of Erikson's Psychosocial Theory of Development is as important as explaining why she falls into that stage in the first place. With the information known about Imani, there is evidence that suggests a strain on her relationship with her mother. This is a development within the microsystem, which one of the systems explained in Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory. According to the theory, the microsystem is where a child develops his or her's relationship with family or any other immediate surroundings (Capella, 2016). As the systems branch out, one of the outer layer systems is the macrosystem. The macrosystem describes the culture in which an individual lives and how that culture affects one's behavior (Capella, 2016). The information given about Imani states that in the culture she finds herself in, one of her age is married, have children, and enjoy their careers. All things Imani does not possess on a sociological level. In turn that has made Imani feel there is something wrong with …show more content…

As they researched the many studies to support their claims, it became apparent to them that key features of women's personalities over the course of middle age change overtime (Sneed, Whitebourne, Schwartz, and Huang, 2012). This would not only support Erikson's theory, but how Imani current development fits into stage 7 of Erikson's theory as well. The studies researched in the Sneed article also conclude that Erikson's theory provides sound evidence of the examination of the well-being (as they described as a sense of happiness and satisfaction) middle adulthood (Sneed, Whitebourne, Schwartz, and Huang, 2012). The research allowed the authors to conduct their own study in which they hoped to prove the importance of psychosocial adjustment well into adulthood and not just adolescence to early adulthood (Sneed, Whitebourne, Schwartz, and Huang, 2012). Their findings, admittedly from a limited sample, found that Erikson's theory the be a valid basis when it pertains to psychosocial adjustment well into adulthood and not just the early half (Sneed, Whitebourne, Schwartz, and

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