Biblical And Psychological Integration

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Biblical and psychological integration is the practice of applying Biblical Principles to psychological theories and practices. Integration of biblical and psychological techniques are influenced by how we personally integrate our faith with life experiences. Attending Jessup, we discover the tools required to integrate our faith and studies and we learn to reflect on our journey thus far to see where God is leading us with our future endeavors. Jessup assists students in understanding not only the secular psychology theories and practices, but also the integration with our personal faith, life experiences, and biblical principles. Foundations of Biblical and Psychological Integration requires students to examine our lives and determine …show more content…

A key lesson from Foundations was that everyone is entitled to believe how they believe, and their beliefs and values are as important to them as ours are to us, so we need to be respectful and understanding of other worldviews. If a client comes to you with different values that contradict your own, we learned we need to put our values aside and try to examine the situation through the clients’ worldview. Counsellors do not have to dismiss their own personal values, but in a session with a client who has different values, the counselor must put themselves aside and look at the situation from the client’s worldview. This class began our understanding of all real truth is Gods truth, and realizing that there is truth in psychological principles when kept in boundaries set by biblical …show more content…

The Spiritual Formation event allows students to not only connect in a deeper way with ourselves and God, but also to slow down and listen to all God has to say for our lives and our journeys we are on. Listening and discerning what God is doing in my life becomes challenging with the fast pace of this program. Spiritual Formation helps students discern God’s voice and attempt to listen to what God is telling them for the point of their journey that they are on. The Spiritual Formation event reminded me that God never shames, and the harsh and brutal voice is of the accuser. God’s voice is always in agreement with scripture and whenever we are unsure if what we are hearing is from the Lord we need to test it against the scripture and biblical principles we know to decide if it aligns or

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