Believing That You Can Do It Poem Summary

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The title of my poem is “Believing That You Can Do It”. Jessica Mcduffie is the author who wrote this poem. This poem is for all you cheerleaders or people who think cheerleading is not a sport when it actually is. People don't understand the work that has been put in to make us do what we have to do. The poem explains a little bit of it but not even close to all. The main idea of the poem is to show people how hard cheerleaders work and what they do to get there. They work as a team or even more like a family. There are not many literary terms because this is a short poem. Some of the literary terms include: Direct Metaphor, Extended Metaphor, Understatement, Rhyme Schemes, Repetition, Assonance. The direct metaphor is located on line 23 and …show more content…

Many people might disagree but i believe it is more than a sport than some of the other ones. I think it's this theme because it states many times that they work really hard and how they do it. The theme and the hidden meaning can be the same thing in this case. There is some literary elements in this poem as well. The ambiguity in the poem is “remember the smiles, forget the tears”. You can take this different ways. Some people could say that it means they need to remember the happy times and forget the bad ones. Others could say it means to remember to smile while cheering and don't cry. Another element is nuances but there is not really a change in the tone during this text. The complexities in this poem is beating around the bush. She does not say the meaning straight out you need to figure it out. I have been cheerleading for almost 10 years. I started when I was 5 years old on a team in raleigh. After i left that team i went and started gymnastics. After gymnastics for awhile i took a break for a year. Then I got back into my tumbling skills. I then began to cheer for my old school. It was not that fun because my skills were higher than most. I stop cheering for them and now i'm getting back into cheer. The things mentioned in the poem are relatable and true. They have made the art of cheerleading come to life and show people that it really is a

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