Avatar Research Paper

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The movie Avatar showed great meaning. The movie sent a message about deforestation and protecting nature. Avatar contained a variety of science themes, such as carbon footprint, sustainability, and biodiversity. The movie was a great success, it was entertaining and educational at the same time. James Cameron did all his research and pulled together a great movie. The theme developed vs developing nations was depicted in the film Avatar. The main character in the movie named Jake was a ex marine, who lost his legs in battle/mission, and remained in a wheelchair. He was hired to replace his brother who was killed. Jake’s brother was one of the scientists who were studying on Pandora and the Na’vi people. Due to his brother’s death there was no one else compatible with his avatar. Therefore they hired Jake because they share the same genes. The first time Jake made a …show more content…

The sky people mostly went to Pandora for one main reason. That is to search for a rock/mineral that is worth a lot of money. Their only problem was the nature around the rock. Pandora was filled with strange animals that were 10 times our size and a group of looking aliens named the Na’vi, that are 6 to 7ft tall. The sky people didn't care about the nature or about creatures that lived there. All they cared about was getting the job done, getting paid, and making money. But luckily not all the sky people are mean and nasty. The scientists loved Pandora, they were fascinated by it. Day by day they would find something new about the planet. The scientists were trying to protect Pandora from the other sky people(army/military). The army were trying to destroy land that wasn't theirs. They wanted to destroy the beautiful nature that lies behind Pandora, just for a profit. They were willing to kill all those poor creatures, for a rock. They were willing to take everything away from these people just for

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