Assess The Difference Between Ethical Relativism And Ethical Egoism

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As described in our text, egoism does not have one set definition. It has different meanings because there are different variations of egoism. Egoism can be described as descriptive which is the “theory that describes what people are like” (Mackinnon pg 34). This descriptive theory of egoism is called the psychological egoism. The psychological egoism theory basically states that a person either selfish or self centered. Another type of egoism is normative. Normative also called ethical egoism is a “theory about how people ought to behave” (Mackinnon pg. 34). “According to some philosophers ethical relativism is a theory that holds there are no universally accepted ethical standards” (Mackinnon pg. …show more content…

The first and obvious difference is that egoism is solely focused around an individual whereas ethical relativism does not have to be. When discussing egoism, regardless if it is psychological egoism or ethical egoism, it is pertaining to an individual. When discussing ethical relativism, it depends on what form of ethical relativism you are discussing. “Individual ethical relativism, ethical judgments and beliefs are the expressions of the moral outlook and attitudes of individual persons” (Mackinnon pg. 21) and “cultural ethical relativism is defined as ethical values varying from society to society and that the basis of moral judgments lies in these social or cultural views” (Mackinnon pg.21). Another difference is that ethical relativism is based around the morality of things for example one might think that you have the right own a gun for safety or protection whereas egoism it is solely up to that person’s beliefs. Egoism challenges morality on a skeptical level challenging all moral rules. Ethical relativism supports morality it is simply broken down to an individual level and a cultural level. The cultural level simply means based on one’s background and how that person was raised will determine what they fell to be morally correct or

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