Argumentative Essay About Depression

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Depression is a common misconception. People get two terms confused with each other, depression and temporary sadness. Temporary sadness is the feeling you feel after an event of misfortune and makes one feel damaged and devastated inside. You tend to express your misery to society in a much more open way, than someone with depression would, because they are willing to talk about how they feel inside. Depression is a much more commonly used word for the phrase, permanent sadness. Instead of depression being caused by an event of misfortune, depression is an illness that affects your day to day life. Many describe it as being slumped in deep dejection. And unlike temporary sadness, someone who suffers from depression is not for one moment going …show more content…

Depression is very rarely talked about in society as an illness that needs to be treated, as many people are unaware of the magnitude of the consequences contracted from depression. Many see it as a choice of being miserable. Others in society see depression as a form of attention seeking. What people are not aware of about depression, is the fact that there is no choice in depression. It is an indisposition. Just like contracting Cancer or Heart Disease, there is no choice in being deteriorated in …show more content…

And thats just to name a few… There is still 350 million more people out in the world suffering from Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia, mild depression etc… Now, when researching into an illness, it is almost necessary to investigate symptoms of the disease. And with depression having a variety of forms, there are a considerable amount of symptoms. And we usually spilt the symptoms up into three categories. Cognitive, emotional and behavioural. Cognitive symptoms are consequences affecting the way in which we process information. Quite often the patient will suffer from poor concentration and find it challenging to stay focused on a given task. Challenges also arise when situation and scenarios come into their lives. This quite often results in them looking at the negatives of the event, and being very narrow minded to all of the positive outcomes possible. Which leads us onto the next characteristic, which is seeing the situation in black and white, i.e. looking at the situation given in an extremely negative

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