Archdiocesan Assessment Activity

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Archdiocesan Essay Assessment Activity Catholics are often asked questions like, “Why are you catholic,” “Why do you have to be catholic,” Aren’t all religions as good as one another?” and “What makes the catholic religion special and different than the others?’ And members of the Church often find it difficult to answer all these questions. This essay will answer what it means to say that to be a catholic is to be a member of the one true Church of Christ, an explanation of how Christ willed that the Catholic Church be his sacrament of salvation, an explanation of how courts established his Church as both a visible and spiritual reality, I will illustrate how all people are offered the possibility of salvation through the Catholic Church …show more content…

We know this because the Church is a sign and instrument of the Grace of God. The Church makes visible the salvation of Christ. If we see the Church as a sacrament, then we can more clearly see it’s mission which is to make disciples of all nations. Christ established his Church as both a visible and spiritual reality. The Church is both spiritual and physical. We can see the physical aspect in the priests, deacons, bishops, cardinals, the pope, the physical church building, crosses, crucifixes and many other items or people. We can see the community of believers but there are aspects that we cannot see. This is the spiritual reality aspect. The Church being both spiritual and physical is a mystery this divine aspect cannot be seen and is hard to believe but it is built on the visible reality and only faith can accept it. All people are offered the possibility of salvation through the Catholic Church. We know this because of the marks of the Church. The marks of the church are one, holy, catholic and apostolic. The one that relates to this is Catholic. The word catholic means universal. Universal implies that the church is at all times and in all places. This means that if it is at all times and all places that is is for everyone. Salvation can be achieved through the Catholic Church, which we have already mentioned is at all times and places to salvation can be achieved at all times and all places for all people because it is

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