Anne Frank Diary Of A Young Girl Analysis

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Most people when confronted with conflict, do not know how to face it, which is understandable; although, these people make no effort to learn how to deal with situations as small as everyday arguments within society. Examples of such individuals who dealt with these cases (both large and small) would be Anne Frank as seen in “Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl”, which was written by Anne Frank herself; as well as “Dear Miss Breed” by Joanne Oppenheim. From these people, others can learn that the best way to respond to conflict -- no matter what type of conflict it is -- by facing the situation with a calm and positive attitude along with empathizing with the other sides’ feelings.
Open-mindedness is essential when any argument is occurring …show more content…

Anne Frank, the young Jewish victim of the Holocaust, was extremely hopeful and tried to make the best out of what she had. For instance, this excerpt from her diary Kitty represents her ongoing positivity; "Up to now our bedroom, with its blank walls, was very bare. Thanks to Father -who brought my entire postcard and movie-star collection here beforehand -and to a brush and a pot of glue, I was able to plaster the wall with pictures. It looks much more cheerful.” (Frank 374). Instead of complaining about the horrid state the world is in or how scared she is, Anne Frank talks about how thankful that her father held a hold her collections beforehand. Another example of Frank's positivity would be about the clock; "Father, Mother, and Margot still can't get used to the chiming of the Westertoren clock, which tells us the time every quarter of an hour. Not me, I liked it from the start; it sounds so reassuring, especially at night" (Frank 374). She finds ways to flip everything around by considering the situation and finding a positive side to the circumstances at hand. Not only can optimism provide a sense of relief for others, but it even has it's own health benefits for oneself. Furthermore, “Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include: increased life span, lower rates of depression, lower levels of distress, greater resistance to the common cold, better psychological and physical well-being, better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, [and] better coping skills during hardships and times of stress” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Just remember that waking up on the right side of the bed can cause an overall happier and healthier

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