Animal Spirits Chapter Summary

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Animal Spirits – How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, And Why It Matters for Global Capitalism

‘Animal Spirits’ is a term used by John Maynard Keynes in his renowned ‘General Theory’ to describe the psychological factor that drives consumer confidence in the economy. During the financial crisis of 2009, Akerlof and Shiller took it upon themselves to expand further on the term, devising five key ideas in which they associate with the phrase in Part I of the text. These key ideas are confidence, fairness, corruption, money illusion and stories. The authors believe that animals spirits are present in the everyday economy and they must be taken into account otherwise economic policies may not be particularly useful. In Part II of the book,
The authors give another history lesson with this one addressing two significant depressions in US history, the depression of the 1890s and The Great Depression. They link the characteristics of these depressions with the five ideas included in their theory of Animal Spirits giving us further justification on why these spirits should not be ignored.

The seventh chapter asks, ‘Why Do Central Bankers Have Power over the Economy?’. In this chapter, the authors evaluate the power of central banks during normal and tough times and question whether central banks ‘have the power to control something as huge as the macroeonomy’ (p.74).

‘Why Are There People Who Cannot Find a Job?’ is the question Akerlof and Shiller wish to tackle in chapter eight. In this chapter, they focus on the idea of fairness in their theory of Animal Spirits then conclude that low wages which workers consider unfair will reduce their productivity.

In chapter nine ‘Why is there an employment/inflation trade-off?’ the authors critique the natural rate theory. They agree with the fact that wage setting is influenced by expectations of inflation but disagree that inflationary expectation affects ‘wage and price setting one for one’
This chapter focusses mostly on the injustice against black people and commences with an insert from Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous ‘I have a Dream’ speech. The chapter describes an America that has a lot ‘unfinished business’ and due to this unfinished business not being remedied, black people continue to be among the most impoverished races within the United States. This chapter makes for a very interesting read as authors sum up the issues within the US while they include their theory of fairness and stories to explain why special poverty among minorities

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