Angela Vicario: A Columbian Society In The 1950's

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Today in society, women are accepted and praised, but women used to not even be able to choose who they are going to marry and spend the rest of their life with. Angela Vicario lives in a Columbian society in the 1950's. The society she lives in controls women from when they are born but the men are controlled by the idea of Machismo. The idea of Machismo is a big idea in her society and is followed be everyone including the women. The idea of Machismo is men being superior to women and the idea of them having control of the women. The women's lives are laid out for them and they are able to do almost nothing to be able to change it. Angela Vicario has been controlled since she was born just like all of the other women within the society she …show more content…

Angela's family is poor and her father is disabled after losing his sight and becoming blind working as a goldsmith. She has two brothers Pedro and Pablo who are twins and are pig slaughters for a living. She also has three other sisters, one who died of nighttime fevers. When discussing Angela and her family the author writes, "The girls were reared to be married" (Marquez 31). Angela Vicario's mother, Pura Vicario, was the one who raised Angela an her sisters. Angela's mother knows all her daughters are going to be able to accomplish in life is marriage. Machismo has made their society believe women are too weak to do their own work and the men must do it all. She is raising the girls with the intention of teaching them how to be good wives and mothers. Pura does not consider the possibility of Angela or her other daughters wanting to do something else. She raises them without giving them the opportunity to do anything else in life. Angela's mother taught her daughters they are never going to make a life for themselves and they need to find a husband to survive. Angela's mother did not ever give her daughters the opportunity or the recourses to become themselves and have their own ambitions. The lessons Angela's mom taught her as she was being raised, forced her lose herself and her identity in order to be what society

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