An Argumentative Essay About Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving is one of our family big traditions. I love this time of the year because we get to see family from all out of town coming from all different places. Every Thanksgiving everyone gets to choose their own dish to bring or make. One major thing we always do is when everybody are sat down at the table we go around and say what we are all thankful for. This time of the year is very special time for my family, with everyone meeting the family and just having a special family bond. We had over 20 people coming down from out of town for Thanksgiving. I couldn’t wait to see my cousins and all my aunts and uncles. I don’t really get to see too much of my family except for this big tradition. Usually my family and I are the ones who usually travels to places to see the family. Since our thanksgiving be the biggest every year my family travel between 4-8 hours to come enjoy the family tradition. I wish we could have days like this every day, its nothing better than getting to know your cousins you haven’t seen or spending that family bond together every day. …show more content…

My Family and I all prepared our own favorite dish for thanksgiving. I love walking in the kitchen seeing all types of different foods my family has prepared. My Cousin and I made our own delicious strawberry cheese cake for dessert. Cutting up the strawberries in tiny pieces was the best part of making it. Then sitting it in the freezer for it to freeze up. This year my aunt made two types of turkey. The first one was a seasoning deep fried turkey and a regular baked turkey. My personal favorite is the deep friend turkey. I just when cutting open the turkey and you can see all the sprinkle seasoning all over the inside of the turkey. Couldn’t wait to get everything settle and get right to

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