American Revolution Dbq

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There has been a constant and difficult struggle for everyone in America to gain their freedom. Many people have fought hard and died for their freedom. America pushed to be free from Britain through the American Revolution, the Union pushed to end slavery through the Civil War, and women pushed to gain equal rights for women. America first started as Thirteen Colonies and they were controlled by Great Britain. Britain created taxes such as the Stamp Act, Townshend Tariffs, and Tea Act and America was made to pay them. America grew tired of having to answer to Great Britain and didn’t want to keep paying taxes. This lead to the American Revolution. George Washington was a major leader in the Revolutionary War and later became the first president of the United States of America. Washington was named commander in chief of the Continental Army. He helped motivate a poorly trained army who lacked supplies to win a war for the freedom of the white people of America. The war lasted between 1765-1783. America defeated Britain to gain its independence. …show more content…

Women did not have equal rights to men. Their role was to take care of the household and the children. They weren’t even allowed to own land unless their husband passed away. African American women had even less rights than the white women. Some had to push to even become educated. Sarah Grimke wrote a powerful letter to fight for equality of men and women. To challenge all women to come together at the end of Sarah’s note she states “The page of history teems with women’s wrongs, and it is wet with women’s tears.—For the sake of my degraded sex everywhere, and for the sake of my brethren, who suffer just in proportion as they place woman lower in the scale of creation than man…I entreat my sisters to arise…in all the dignity of immortal beings, and plant themselves, side by side, on the platform of human rights, with man to whom they were

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