Alienation In 'The Doll's House, And Sonnet, With Bird'

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Have you ever noticed those few people that are always by themselves or are alienated by others? Maybe it is because they may be poor, or how they dress, or where they are from. There are always those few people that are different, like in “The Doll’s house” how the Kelveys were alienated by their classmates due to what they wore and how they looked like. Being an outsider is universal because it happens in different places around the world. For instance, in “Sonnet, With Bird” the poem by Sherman Alexie, alienation happens all the way in England. Some might argue that it is not universal in the fact that everyone thinks differently or those who are alienated do not mind being alone and end up doing great things. One way people are considered weird or an outsider is by the way they dress or the amount of money they have. One example is in the short story,” The Doll’s House,” by Katherine Mansfield, …show more content…

Similar to the author of “Sonnet, With Bird” Sherman Alexie felt when he traveled to England. Mr.Alexie quoted “” I am the only Indian in this country right now. I’m the only Indian within a five-thousand-mile circle.””(pg.214) which shows how he feels like he doesn’t belong. This may be the case for people who have moved to a new part of the world that is unknown to them or to someone visiting another area that they do not know. As for the people who have lived in a certain area who see newcomers, may see them as outsiders because technically they are coming into a new place which would make them outsiders. Another example would be Dre Parker from the movie “the Karate Kid”(2010 version) how in a part of the movie he expresses how much he dislikes living in China and how he doesn’t belong there. Dre Parker is treated badly by the other younglings that have lived their beforehand by beating him up and excluding him from their

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