Advantage And Disadvantage Of Social Media On Students

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1. Introduction
As we all know, the use of social networking media such as Facebook, Twitter and Myspace is becoming a trend nowadays that is widely used to disseminate information to subscribe. Meanwhile, social networking is a site where anyone can create a website for personal. After that, they share the information also can communicate. If traditional media using print and broadcast media, but social media are using the internet. Besides that, social networking invites anyone that interested to contribute and have fun with with the open feedback, comment and share information in a fast and unlimited. For example, now people can access the facebook or twitter any time simply by using a mobile phone if they have the internet. The rapid development
If we go anywhere, we can see that most students prefer to hold their phone compared to open books or notes for them to learn. Problems that will arise if we do not know how to use it are as a student would be too engrossed with their gadgets. In addition, they will also be time wasted. For example, while in the classroom they can open facebook without the knowledge of anyone else and because of that they focus on learning taking place at that time will be disregarded. In the other hand, their social family will also be affected. This is because, during their time with the family used to surf the internet. When there is a social network that is increasing sophisticated, we will be able to see students increasingly ignore what is happening in his
Researcher minimizes their respondent scope because researcher wants to facilitate study that researcher doing. Researcher choose degree cu202 and cu200 students to answer the questionnaire. For diploma students the researcher chooses CAT in Diploma to answer the question survey. Researcher distribute questionnaire in among college student only. Researcher take totalled 70 respondents only to answer their questionnaire. Besides that, researcher also had some discussions with other students Degree for know the advantages and disadvantages of using this social network. Researcher can see the students here always use your smart phone no matter where they

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