Admission Essay For Nursing Admission

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I have always been interested in the medical field, nursing, and the things medical professionals are able to accomplish everyday. Nursing excites me because it opens the door to being able to help people in need first hand. Nurses directly aid patients while providing a sense of comfort for them in whatever situation they may be in. Because of this, I am greatly interested in pursuing the educational path of nursing, so that I can help those who are ill and provide the greatest amount of care and comfort. My interest in nursing initially sparked when I was in the hospital battling cancer. I found comfort in the nurses who cared for me, and I noticed the positive influence they had on me in my recovery process.The influence I felt stemmed from the nurses’ overall concern and understanding of my situation. My past experience caused me to develop the strong interest I have in nursing now, and I am eager to have a positive impact on numerous patients while I directly aid them in their recovery. In addition, I found interest specifically in being a pediatric nurse because I have a love for kids and was influenced by my experience in the hospital when I was …show more content…

Being in this type of environment would also push me to do the best I can possibly do and possibly be inspired by those around me to do better too. While pursuing a nursing education, The Honors College environment would help me to strive for excellence and achieve my goals because of all the amazing opportunities that The Honors College provides. If accepted into Towson’s Honors College, I would strive to academically succeed, as well as, represent the values and mindset of Towson as best I

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