Adam Smith Essay

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Adam Smith was a man of many achievements. As a Scottish philosopher and political economist he became famous by his classical and influential books. In 1759 he wrote a book called “The Theory of Mortal Sentiments”and in 1775 he wrote another called “An Inquiry to the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”. Known as the “father of modern economics” Adam Smith has greatly influenced society. Adam Smith’s history impacted the way that our society is today. Adam’s childhood, environment, education and events throughout his life contributed to the way that we view society. With Adam’s theories and great works he molded a pathway to different stand points on the public and its society. Among his great works are the wealth of nations and inquiry to the nature and causes of the wealth of nations alongside the theory Adam named the invisible hand. Adam also thought about the public from an economic and political stand point. Due to factors that influenced Adam’s early life, he was able to learn from those before him to become the great economist, politician, and philosopher that he was. This way, even though Adam Smith lived during the time of the scientific revolution his words of wisdom in politics and the economy are still used today in the public. Adam Smith was born on June 5th, 1723 in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. His father was a lawyer and a servant until death. Adams father died when he was only two months old. Adam did not have the greatest childhood but he did have a good education. Being raised by a widowed mother and not having all that he wanted gave Adam the nudge in life that he had to have an education to support his mother and himself. At the age of fourteen he attended the University of Glasgow on a scholarship; this was n... ... middle of paper ... ...ducation was dominant and was influenced to achieve greatness. All of the events in his life time helping to improve the public that we know now and are still trying to improve upon today. The theories that Adam developed were inspiring to those around him and the economic and political society. These theories changed the course of wealth, trade, and labor. Without the great works of Adam Smith, our economy may not have been the way it is now. The view of Adam Smith was political and economic, thus helping the public economy and politics develop during the life and after the death of Adam. Along with the inquiry of the society of Adam’s time, it helped build upon the way we also see our society today. The philosophy of Adam Smith was influenced by many and thus gave him his turn to influence politicians and economist that life and also influence others today.

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